The average house price on TRINITY RISE is £335,771
The most expensive house in the street is 2 TRINITY RISE with an estimated value of £411,775
The cheapest house in the street is 5 TRINITY RISE with an estimated value of £271,461
The house which was most recently sold was 2 TRINITY RISE, this sold on 21 Apr 2014 for £262,500
The postcode for TRINITY RISE is LS21 1RG
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 TRINITY RISE Semi-Detached , 124 m2 £411,775 £262,500 21 Apr 2014
5 TRINITY RISE Semi-Detached £271,461 £79,450 18 Jun 2001
6 TRINITY RISE Semi-Detached , 69 m2 £372,731 £177,000 26 Mar 2004
8 TRINITY RISE Semi-Detached £287,120 £157,000 5 Dec 2008