The average house price on MILL LANE is £509,110
The most expensive house in the street is WHITE HOUSE MILL LANE with an estimated value of £1,099,983
The cheapest house in the street is 20 MILL LANE with an estimated value of £246,953
The house which was most recently sold was WHITE HOUSE MILL LANE, this sold on 13 Oct 2023 for £1,075,000
The postcodes for MILL LANE are NR9 5AF, NR9 5SQ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
20 MILL LANE Terraced £246,953 £60,000 19 Nov 1999
21 MILL LANE Detached £360,367 £67,950 7 Feb 1997
22 MILL LANE Semi-Detached £329,139 £255,000 5 Jun 2017
WHITE HOUSE MILL LANE £1,099,983 £1,075,000 13 Oct 2023