The average house price on CROMWELL CLOSE is £221,190
The most expensive house in the street is 10 CROMWELL CLOSE with an estimated value of £277,389
The cheapest house in the street is 4 CROMWELL CLOSE with an estimated value of £147,781
The house which was most recently sold was 1 CROMWELL CLOSE, this sold on 16 Mar 2020 for £180,000
The postcode for CROMWELL CLOSE is WA12 9WL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 CROMWELL CLOSE Semi-Detached , 90 m2 £218,403 £180,000 16 Mar 2020
2 CROMWELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £248,536 £59,495 29 Oct 1999
3 CROMWELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £198,665 £116,750 12 Oct 2006
4 CROMWELL CLOSE Semi-Detached , 55 m2 £147,781 £114,000 23 May 2017
5 CROMWELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £243,259 £104,950 29 Aug 2003
6 CROMWELL CLOSE Semi-Detached , 55 m2 £197,568 £114,000 24 Mar 2011
8 CROMWELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £237,920 £136,000 22 Jun 2006
10 CROMWELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £277,389 £154,950 10 Feb 2006