The average house price on TOTHILL is £898,731
The most expensive house in the street is HOLLY COPSE HOUSE TOTHILL with an estimated value of £1,199,577
The cheapest house in the street is JESTERS TOTHILL with an estimated value of £624,432
The house which was most recently sold was ORCHARD CLOSE TOTHILL, this sold on 21 Jun 2023 for £1,086,250
The postcode for TOTHILL is RG20 9ED
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
HOLLY COPSE HOUSE TOTHILL Detached £1,199,577 £820,000 12 Jun 2015
JESTERS TOTHILL Detached £624,432 £119,995 2 May 1997
KEWELLS COTTAGE TOTHILL Semi-Detached £726,440 £430,000 21 Nov 2006
ORCHARD CLOSE TOTHILL £1,108,464 £1,086,250 21 Jun 2023
SUNNYSIDE COTTAGE TOTHILL Detached £764,834 £590,000 11 May 2017
WESTWOOD COTTAGE TOTHILL Detached £968,642 £270,000 16 Jan 2001