The average house price on SOPLEY CLOSE is £499,839
The most expensive house in the street is 1 SOPLEY CLOSE with an estimated value of £608,228
The cheapest house in the street is 6 SOPLEY CLOSE with an estimated value of £372,429
The house which was most recently sold was 2 SOPLEY CLOSE, this sold on 28 Feb 2020 for £390,000
The postcode for SOPLEY CLOSE is BH25 7TG
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 SOPLEY CLOSE Detached , 117 m2 £608,228 £495,000 24 Jan 2020
2 SOPLEY CLOSE Detached , 68 m2 £480,693 £390,000 28 Feb 2020
3 SOPLEY CLOSE Detached , 54 m2 £551,160 £319,000 15 Jan 2010
4 SOPLEY CLOSE Detached £535,406 £260,000 15 Apr 2004
5 SOPLEY CLOSE Semi-Detached , 54 m2 £405,804 £242,500 19 Jul 2013
6 SOPLEY CLOSE Semi-Detached , 55 m2 £372,429 £300,000 1 Oct 2018
7 SOPLEY CLOSE Detached £545,155 £130,500 15 Oct 1999