The average house price on ST MARYS CLOSE is £207,828
The most expensive house in the street is 19 ST MARYS CLOSE with an estimated value of £316,806
The cheapest house in the street is 12A ST MARYS CLOSE with an estimated value of £144,071
The house which was most recently sold was 9 ST MARYS CLOSE, this sold on 6 Oct 2023 for £160,000
The postcodes for ST MARYS CLOSE are SA11 2JU, SA11 5SN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
4 ST MARYS CLOSE Detached £236,057 £63,000 21 Jul 2000
5 ST MARYS CLOSE Semi-Detached £180,660 £135,000 26 Sep 2016
9 ST MARYS CLOSE Detached £212,648 £58,000 27 Nov 2000
9 ST MARYS CLOSE Semi-Detached £163,718 £160,000 6 Oct 2023
12A ST MARYS CLOSE Detached £144,071 £110,000 15 Feb 2017
12 ST MARYS CLOSE Semi-Detached £248,710 £144,950 25 Feb 2010
14 ST MARYS CLOSE Detached £221,069 £59,000 13 Jul 2000
17 ST MARYS CLOSE Detached £176,772 £108,000 29 Nov 2013
19 ST MARYS CLOSE Detached £316,806 £71,000 28 May 1999
22 ST MARYS CLOSE Detached £184,882 £150,000 21 Feb 2020
23 ST MARYS CLOSE Detached £217,359 £199,500 11 Nov 2021
29 ST MARYS CLOSE Detached £189,448 £62,950 19 Apr 2002
30 ST MARYS CLOSE Detached £209,566 £166,000 1 Mar 2018