The average house price on SHORTHORN CLOSE is £358,617
The most expensive house in the street is 8 SHORTHORN CLOSE with an estimated value of £445,921
The cheapest house in the street is 6 SHORTHORN CLOSE with an estimated value of £282,221
The house which was most recently sold was 6 SHORTHORN CLOSE, this sold on 15 Sep 2023 for £276,000
The postcode for SHORTHORN CLOSE is CW10 9GF
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 SHORTHORN CLOSE Detached , 114 m2 £317,195 £260,000 5 Jun 2020
3 SHORTHORN CLOSE Detached , 178 m2 £372,232 £225,000 19 Jan 2007
4 SHORTHORN CLOSE Detached £359,066 £129,950 20 Aug 2002
5 SHORTHORN CLOSE Detached , 116 m2 £326,577 £190,000 26 Apr 2012
6 SHORTHORN CLOSE Detached £282,221 £276,000 15 Sep 2023
8 SHORTHORN CLOSE Detached , 114 m2 £445,921 £89,995 14 Nov 1997
10 SHORTHORN CLOSE Detached , 73 m2 £407,107 £150,000 30 Sep 2002