The average house price on PINE GROVE is £230,006
The most expensive house in the street is 2 PINE GROVE with an estimated value of £264,195
The cheapest house in the street is 8 PINE GROVE with an estimated value of £179,476
The house which was most recently sold was 10 PINE GROVE, this sold on 20 Dec 2021 for £210,000
The postcode for PINE GROVE is M14 5QG
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 PINE GROVE Terraced , 107 m2 £264,195 £200,000 16 Dec 2016
3 PINE GROVE Terraced , 138 m2 £264,043 £211,500 20 Jul 2018
4 PINE GROVE Terraced £250,985 £190,000 16 Dec 2016
8 PINE GROVE Terraced , 88 m2 £179,476 £59,000 6 Mar 2002
10 PINE GROVE Terraced , 114 m2 £226,655 £210,000 20 Dec 2021
12 PINE GROVE Terraced , 110 m2 £194,686 £64,000 1 Mar 2002