The average house price on GOODWOOD CLOSE is £196,487
The most expensive house in the street is 8 GOODWOOD CLOSE with an estimated value of £219,050
The cheapest house in the street is 14 GOODWOOD CLOSE with an estimated value of £174,323
The house which was most recently sold was 14 GOODWOOD CLOSE, this sold on 19 Nov 2021 for £160,000
The postcode for GOODWOOD CLOSE is LN11 0YN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 GOODWOOD CLOSE Semi-Detached , 75 m2 £180,660 £135,000 2 Sep 2016
2 GOODWOOD CLOSE Semi-Detached , 83 m2 £215,227 £125,000 23 Mar 2012
8 GOODWOOD CLOSE Terraced £219,050 £38,750 13 Apr 1995
9 GOODWOOD CLOSE Semi-Detached £199,106 £82,500 23 Apr 2003
10 GOODWOOD CLOSE Terraced £190,561 £120,000 23 Jul 2007
14 GOODWOOD CLOSE Semi-Detached , 72 m2 £174,323 £160,000 19 Nov 2021