The average house price on LLOYDS AVENUE is £30,983,546
The most expensive house in the street is LLOYDS AVENUE HOUSE, 6 LLOYDS AVENUE with an estimated value of £37,865,031
The cheapest house in the street is ST. OLAVES HOUSE, 10 LLOYDS AVENUE with an estimated value of £24,102,062
The house which was most recently sold was 8 LLOYDS AVENUE, this sold on 19 Dec 2022 for £11,400,000
The postcodes for LLOYDS AVENUE are EC3N 3EL, EC3N 3AX, EC3N 3AJ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
8 LLOYDS AVENUE £11,400,000 19 Dec 2022
LLOYDS AVENUE HOUSE, 6 LLOYDS AVENUE £37,865,031 £30,650,000 18 Oct 2019
ST. OLAVES HOUSE, 10 LLOYDS AVENUE £24,102,062 £18,508,838 13 Apr 2017