The average house price on CASTLE PRECINCTS is £1,432,863
The most expensive house in the street is GARDEN FLAT CASTLEGATE CASTLE PRECINCTS with an estimated value of £2,884,820
The cheapest house in the street is BRACK MOUNT HOUSE CASTLE PRECINCTS with an estimated value of £813,378
The house which was most recently sold was BRACK MOUND LODGE CASTLE PRECINCTS, this sold on 20 Jul 2021 for £900,000
The postcode for CASTLE PRECINCTS is BN7 1YT
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
BRACK MOUND LODGE CASTLE PRECINCTS Semi-Detached £1,041,995 £900,000 20 Jul 2021
BRACK MOUNT HOUSE CASTLE PRECINCTS Semi-Detached £813,378 £478,000 31 Oct 2006
BRACK MOUNT LODGE CASTLE PRECINCTS Semi-Detached £947,675 £625,000 19 Sep 2014
CASTLE PRECINCTS COTTAGE CASTLE PRECINCTS Detached £1,476,449 £1,175,000 11 May 2018
GARDEN FLAT CASTLEGATE CASTLE PRECINCTS Semi-Detached £2,884,820 £1,762,500 11 Nov 2013