The average house price on TIVERTON CLOSE is £344,255
The most expensive house in the street is 5 TIVERTON CLOSE with an estimated value of £460,780
The cheapest house in the street is 2 TIVERTON CLOSE with an estimated value of £222,565
The house which was most recently sold was 9 TIVERTON CLOSE, this sold on 15 Dec 2021 for £360,000
The postcode for TIVERTON CLOSE is LE2 4JH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 TIVERTON CLOSE Semi-Detached £285,747 £162,500 4 May 2006
2 TIVERTON CLOSE Semi-Detached £222,565 £133,000 9 Jul 2013
3 TIVERTON CLOSE Detached £386,438 £327,000 22 Oct 2020
4 TIVERTON CLOSE Detached £410,899 £73,500 16 Aug 1996
5 TIVERTON CLOSE Detached £460,780 £270,000 19 Jul 2010
6 TIVERTON CLOSE Detached £295,821 £78,950 6 Jul 2000
8 TIVERTON CLOSE Semi-Detached £223,377 £129,000 25 Jan 2012
9 TIVERTON CLOSE Detached £388,551 £360,000 15 Dec 2021
10 TIVERTON CLOSE Detached £419,433 £94,000 28 May 1999
11 TIVERTON CLOSE Semi-Detached £296,966 £167,500 21 Oct 2009
12 TIVERTON CLOSE Detached £396,237 £120,000 24 Sep 2001