The average house price on GOODING CLOSE is £158,351
The most expensive house in the street is 17 GOODING CLOSE with an estimated value of £214,012
The cheapest house in the street is 23 GOODING CLOSE with an estimated value of £104,652
The house which was most recently sold was 3 GOODING CLOSE, this sold on 18 Feb 2022 for £200,000
The postcode for GOODING CLOSE is LE3 1BS
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 GOODING CLOSE Terraced , 74 m2 £156,334 £98,000 17 Feb 2014
3 GOODING CLOSE Terraced £211,291 £200,000 18 Feb 2022
5 GOODING CLOSE Semi-Detached £161,472 £55,000 10 May 2002
6 GOODING CLOSE Semi-Detached , 98 m2 £184,027 £108,000 21 Dec 2012
9 GOODING CLOSE Terraced , 77 m2 £118,573 £30,000 4 Feb 2000
13 GOODING CLOSE Terraced , 42 m2 £149,930 £47,000 14 Dec 2001
15 GOODING CLOSE Terraced £154,724 £27,000 29 Sep 1995
17 GOODING CLOSE Terraced £214,012 £198,000 30 Jun 2021
20 GOODING CLOSE Semi-Detached £175,479 £80,000 19 Dec 2003
22 GOODING CLOSE Terraced , 75 m2 £111,373 £75,000 27 Mar 2015
23 GOODING CLOSE Semi-Detached , 73 m2 £104,652 £57,000 3 Oct 2005