The average house price on HALL LANE is £253,235
The most expensive house in the street is 18 HALL LANE with an estimated value of £292,409
The cheapest house in the street is 26 HALL LANE with an estimated value of £199,749
The house which was most recently sold was 30 HALL LANE, this sold on 3 Sep 2021 for £235,000
The postcode for HALL LANE is LS25 6JN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
14 HALL LANE Detached £229,338 £83,000 8 Aug 2002
16 HALL LANE Detached £289,571 £195,000 3 Mar 2015
18 HALL LANE Semi-Detached £292,409 £230,000 31 Oct 2017
26 HALL LANE Semi-Detached £199,749 £160,000 6 Jul 2018
30 HALL LANE Semi-Detached £255,109 £235,000 3 Sep 2021