The average house price on CHURCH CLOSE is £419,583
The most expensive house in the street is 16 CHURCH CLOSE with an estimated value of £502,381
The cheapest house in the street is 4 CHURCH CLOSE with an estimated value of £358,835
The house which was most recently sold was 6 CHURCH CLOSE, this sold on 24 Apr 2019 for £350,000
The postcode for CHURCH CLOSE is IP5 1NN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
4 CHURCH CLOSE Detached £358,835 £210,000 27 May 2010
6 CHURCH CLOSE Detached £436,042 £350,000 24 Apr 2019
8 CHURCH CLOSE Detached £366,500 £210,500 15 Dec 2009
10 CHURCH CLOSE Detached £377,607 £299,995 2 Feb 2018
14 CHURCH CLOSE Detached £476,135 £106,000 28 Apr 1999
16 CHURCH CLOSE Detached £502,381 £88,500 30 Jun 1995