The average house price on WULPHERE CLOSE is £237,868
The most expensive house in the street is 9 WULPHERE CLOSE with an estimated value of £298,545
The cheapest house in the street is 6 WULPHERE CLOSE with an estimated value of £158,968
The house which was most recently sold was 10 WULPHERE CLOSE, this sold on 1 Dec 2023 for £220,000
The postcode for WULPHERE CLOSE is EX14 4UU
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 WULPHERE CLOSE Semi-Detached £237,082 £150,000 24 Aug 2007
5 WULPHERE CLOSE Terraced £244,869 £182,000 20 Jun 2016
6 WULPHERE CLOSE Terraced £158,968 £127,600 3 Apr 2019
9 WULPHERE CLOSE Semi-Detached £298,545 £110,000 6 Sep 2002
10 WULPHERE CLOSE Semi-Detached £226,974 £220,000 1 Dec 2023
11 WULPHERE CLOSE Semi-Detached £249,547 £85,000 29 May 2002
12 WULPHERE CLOSE Semi-Detached £250,890 £154,000 10 Jun 2008
14 WULPHERE CLOSE Semi-Detached £236,073 £140,000 26 Mar 2013