The average house price on LLYS Y MOR is £265,621
The most expensive house in the street is 11 LLYS Y MOR with an estimated value of £344,562
The cheapest house in the street is 4 LLYS Y MOR with an estimated value of £207,687
The house which was most recently sold was 6 LLYS Y MOR, this sold on 2 Dec 2020 for £200,000
The postcode for LLYS Y MOR is CH8 8SR
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 LLYS Y MOR Detached £323,470 £70,000 29 Jan 1999
4 LLYS Y MOR Detached £207,687 £137,500 30 Jan 2015
5 LLYS Y MOR Detached £267,975 £170,000 26 Nov 2007
6 LLYS Y MOR Detached £233,449 £200,000 2 Dec 2020
7 LLYS Y MOR Detached £227,500 11 Jan 2013
8 LLYS Y MOR Detached £216,588 £172,500 7 Sep 2018
11 LLYS Y MOR Detached £344,562 £92,950 27 Nov 2000