The average house price on BELDESERT CLOSE is £425,535
The most expensive house in the street is 8 BELDESERT CLOSE with an estimated value of £557,985
The cheapest house in the street is 5 BELDESERT CLOSE with an estimated value of £343,905
The house which was most recently sold was 2 BELDESERT CLOSE, this sold on 6 Feb 2023 for £360,000
The postcode for BELDESERT CLOSE is B95 5JU
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 BELDESERT CLOSE Semi-Detached £480,304 £110,000 12 Jul 1999
2 BELDESERT CLOSE Semi-Detached , 75 m2 £362,421 £360,000 6 Feb 2023
3 BELDESERT CLOSE Terraced £436,377 £145,000 19 Apr 2002
5 BELDESERT CLOSE Terraced , 64 m2 £343,905 £204,000 1 May 2013
6 BELDESERT CLOSE Semi-Detached , 62 m2 £348,857 £220,000 21 Mar 2014
8 BELDESERT CLOSE Detached £557,985 £109,000 16 Jul 1997
9 BELDESERT CLOSE Semi-Detached , 84 m2 £475,251 £200,000 30 Jun 2003
10 BELDESERT CLOSE Semi-Detached £399,184 £245,000 16 Mar 2007