The average house price on SEA VIEW TERRACE is £211,963
The most expensive house in the street is 4 SEA VIEW TERRACE with an estimated value of £246,058
The cheapest house in the street is 2 SEA VIEW TERRACE with an estimated value of £170,660
The house which was most recently sold was 2 SEA VIEW TERRACE, this sold on 9 Apr 2020 for £138,000
The postcode for SEA VIEW TERRACE is TR13 8NL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 SEA VIEW TERRACE Terraced £202,646 £157,000 23 Jun 2017
2 SEA VIEW TERRACE Terraced £170,660 £138,000 9 Apr 2020
3 SEA VIEW TERRACE Terraced £212,516 £80,000 16 Oct 2002
4 SEA VIEW TERRACE Terraced £246,058 £144,000 20 May 2010
5 SEA VIEW TERRACE Terraced £199,120 £160,000 11 Jan 2019
7 SEA VIEW TERRACE Terraced £240,778 £130,000 8 Jul 2005