The average house price on RANGE GARDENS is £156,946
The most expensive house in the street is 6 RANGE GARDENS with an estimated value of £195,073
The cheapest house in the street is 7 RANGE GARDENS with an estimated value of £126,735
The house which was most recently sold was 7 RANGE GARDENS, this sold on 26 Jul 2019 for £102,000
The postcode for RANGE GARDENS is HX3 6HW
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 RANGE GARDENS Terraced , 70 m2 £150,908 £117,500 20 Jul 2017
3 RANGE GARDENS Terraced £172,863 £91,000 3 Dec 2004
4 RANGE GARDENS Terraced , 71 m2 £152,632 £68,500 17 Nov 2003
5 RANGE GARDENS Terraced £141,387 £59,500 14 Jun 2003
6 RANGE GARDENS Terraced , 94 m2 £195,073 £157,000 12 Jul 2019
7 RANGE GARDENS Terraced , 74 m2 £126,735 £102,000 26 Jul 2019
8 RANGE GARDENS Terraced , 72 m2 £130,463 £105,000 19 Jul 2019
9 RANGE GARDENS Terraced , 74 m2 £185,507 £123,000 3 Oct 2014