The average house price on GORDON CLOSE is £405,517
The most expensive house in the street is 1 GORDON CLOSE with an estimated value of £453,230
The cheapest house in the street is 3 GORDON CLOSE with an estimated value of £360,439
The house which was most recently sold was 6 GORDON CLOSE, this sold on 23 Jan 2023 for £450,000
The postcode for GORDON CLOSE is GL2 8LL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 GORDON CLOSE Detached £453,230 £189,950 23 May 2003
2 GORDON CLOSE Detached £384,727 £249,950 16 Jul 2014
3 GORDON CLOSE Detached £360,439 £305,000 9 Oct 2020
5 GORDON CLOSE Detached £436,908 £270,000 27 Apr 2007
6 GORDON CLOSE Detached £451,206 £450,000 23 Jan 2023
7 GORDON CLOSE Detached £370,274 £150,000 14 Feb 2003
12 GORDON CLOSE Semi-Detached £378,993 £168,000 10 Oct 2003
14 GORDON CLOSE Semi-Detached £408,363 £77,000 28 Feb 1997