The average house price on ROBUS CLOSE is £338,000
The most expensive house in the street is 1 ROBUS CLOSE with an estimated value of £416,235
The cheapest house in the street is 6 ROBUS CLOSE with an estimated value of £276,473
The house which was most recently sold was 3 ROBUS CLOSE, this sold on 18 Nov 2021 for £350,000
The postcode for ROBUS CLOSE is CT18 8JF
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 ROBUS CLOSE Detached £416,235 £360,000 14 Dec 2020
3 ROBUS CLOSE Semi-Detached £381,332 £350,000 18 Nov 2021
4 ROBUS CLOSE Semi-Detached £321,081 £250,000 4 Jul 2017
5 ROBUS CLOSE Semi-Detached £294,880 £163,500 27 Jan 2006
6 ROBUS CLOSE Detached £276,473 £164,000 31 May 2013