The average house price on HARTSLEAF CLOSE is £484,615
The most expensive house in the street is 3 HARTSLEAF CLOSE with an estimated value of £534,025
The cheapest house in the street is 2 HARTSLEAF CLOSE with an estimated value of £407,895
The house which was most recently sold was 8 HARTSLEAF CLOSE, this sold on 7 Feb 2020 for £402,500
The postcode for HARTSLEAF CLOSE is GU51 3RD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 HARTSLEAF CLOSE Terraced , 93 m2 £463,517 £375,000 4 Sep 2019
2 HARTSLEAF CLOSE Terraced , 84 m2 £407,895 £330,000 26 Sep 2019
3 HARTSLEAF CLOSE Terraced , 81 m2 £534,025 £123,500 31 Aug 1999
4 HARTSLEAF CLOSE Terraced , 82 m2 £495,251 £290,000 11 Jan 2013
8 HARTSLEAF CLOSE Semi-Detached , 79 m2 £496,100 £402,500 7 Feb 2020
ZEST HOUSE, 5 HARTSLEAF CLOSE Terraced £510,903 £96,950 25 Apr 1997