The average house price on CARR LANE is £343,667
The most expensive house in the street is CARR HOUSE CARR LANE with an estimated value of £725,644
The cheapest house in the street is 4 CARR LANE with an estimated value of £63,353
The house which was most recently sold was 6 CARR LANE, this sold on 29 Nov 2019 for £147,000
The postcodes for CARR LANE are YO14 0EN, YO14 9PD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
4 CARR LANE Semi-Detached £63,353 £22,000 17 Jun 2002
6 CARR LANE Terraced £181,622 £147,000 29 Nov 2019
8 CARR LANE Terraced £231,216 £143,000 23 Dec 2013
CARR HOUSE CARR LANE Detached £725,644 £565,000 14 Jul 2017
FIELD HOUSE CARR LANE Detached £516,502 £90,000 31 Oct 1995