The average house price on LORDS CLOSE is £320,365
The most expensive house in the street is 4 LORDS CLOSE with an estimated value of £367,068
The cheapest house in the street is 10 LORDS CLOSE with an estimated value of £285,633
The house which was most recently sold was 3 LORDS CLOSE, this sold on 15 Mar 2019 for £240,000
The postcode for LORDS CLOSE is TW13 5LH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 LORDS CLOSE Semi-Detached , 90 m2 £298,688 £240,000 15 Mar 2019
4 LORDS CLOSE Semi-Detached , 82 m2 £367,068 £234,000 11 Apr 2014
7 LORDS CLOSE Semi-Detached , 97 m2 £344,774 £220,500 7 Dec 2007
10 LORDS CLOSE Semi-Detached £285,633 £59,000 27 Feb 1998
11 LORDS CLOSE Semi-Detached £305,662 £190,000 23 May 2007