The average house price on WHINYARD WAY is £519,156
The most expensive house in the street is 1 WHINYARD WAY with an estimated value of £584,602
The cheapest house in the street is 8 WHINYARD WAY with an estimated value of £450,917
The house which was most recently sold was 1 WHINYARD WAY, this sold on 23 Mar 2022 for £560,000
The postcode for WHINYARD WAY is IP11 9TG
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 WHINYARD WAY Detached , 161 m2 £584,602 £560,000 23 Mar 2022
2 WHINYARD WAY Detached , 103 m2 £472,450 £275,000 25 May 2012
3 WHINYARD WAY Detached , 195 m2 £560,631 £367,500 19 Aug 2014
4 WHINYARD WAY Detached £550,381 £98,450 8 Aug 1996
6 WHINYARD WAY Detached , 207 m2 £529,680 £310,000 18 Jun 2012
7 WHINYARD WAY Detached , 101 m2 £485,435 £96,500 12 Sep 1997
8 WHINYARD WAY Detached £450,917 £85,500 19 Mar 1997