The average house price on WINGFIELD CLOSE is £514,048
The most expensive house in the street is 1 WINGFIELD CLOSE with an estimated value of £556,219
The cheapest house in the street is 8 WINGFIELD CLOSE with an estimated value of £475,807
The house which was most recently sold was 8 WINGFIELD CLOSE, this sold on 13 Oct 2023 for £465,000
The postcode for WINGFIELD CLOSE is S18 8RL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 WINGFIELD CLOSE Detached £556,219 £465,000 9 Sep 2020
2 WINGFIELD CLOSE Detached £511,548 £320,000 18 Apr 2008
3 WINGFIELD CLOSE Detached £482,172 £85,500 5 Jun 1996
5 WINGFIELD CLOSE Detached £515,675 £425,000 16 Mar 2020
6 WINGFIELD CLOSE Detached £544,813 £235,050 19 Aug 2003
7 WINGFIELD CLOSE Detached £504,385 £380,000 18 Nov 2016
8 WINGFIELD CLOSE Detached £475,807 £465,000 13 Oct 2023
10 WINGFIELD CLOSE Detached £521,772 £402,500 26 May 2017