The average house price on MONTROSE CLOSE is £129,387
The most expensive house in the street is 45 MONTROSE CLOSE with an estimated value of £159,657
The cheapest house in the street is 21 MONTROSE CLOSE with an estimated value of £63,876
The house which was most recently sold was 45 MONTROSE CLOSE, this sold on 22 Oct 2020 for £135,100
The postcode for MONTROSE CLOSE is DE24 9LW
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 MONTROSE CLOSE Terraced £148,263 £120,000 15 Nov 2019
4 MONTROSE CLOSE Terraced £131,469 £76,000 18 Feb 2011
6 MONTROSE CLOSE Terraced £154,570 £83,995 16 Sep 2005
9 MONTROSE CLOSE Terraced £121,579 £96,000 15 Dec 2017
16 MONTROSE CLOSE Terraced £79,091 £26,000 22 Mar 2002
19 MONTROSE CLOSE Terraced £149,704 £63,000 27 Jun 2003
21 MONTROSE CLOSE Terraced £63,876 £20,590 11 Feb 2002
23 MONTROSE CLOSE Terraced £146,282 £118,000 8 Aug 2019
33 MONTROSE CLOSE Terraced £139,388 £112,000 18 Mar 2019
45 MONTROSE CLOSE Terraced £159,657 £135,100 22 Oct 2020