The average house price on PENNINE COURT is £342,997
The most expensive house in the street is 1 PENNINE COURT with an estimated value of £392,179
The cheapest house in the street is 6 PENNINE COURT with an estimated value of £282,389
The house which was most recently sold was 6 PENNINE COURT, this sold on 28 Sep 2018 for £227,000
The postcode for PENNINE COURT is NN11 8TE
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 PENNINE COURT Detached £392,179 £162,500 17 Apr 2003
2 PENNINE COURT Detached , 108 m2 £345,159 £277,000 2 Aug 2018
3 PENNINE COURT Detached £330,110 £117,000 29 Jul 2002
4 PENNINE COURT Detached £330,831 £155,000 12 Feb 2004
5 PENNINE COURT Detached £377,315 £84,000 12 Apr 1999
6 PENNINE COURT Detached , 77 m2 £282,389 £227,000 28 Sep 2018