The average house price on CHURCH PARK is £423,409
The most expensive house in the street is SWEET PEA COTTAGE, 3 CHURCH PARK with an estimated value of £538,153
The cheapest house in the street is 6 CHURCH PARK with an estimated value of £315,909
The house which was most recently sold was 6 CHURCH PARK, this sold on 28 Apr 2023 for £310,000
The postcode for CHURCH PARK is TQ6 0BD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 CHURCH PARK Semi-Detached £466,700 £375,000 5 Mar 2019
2 CHURCH PARK Terraced £401,552 £178,000 29 Oct 2003
3 CHURCH PARK Terraced £362,297 £184,500 28 Jul 2004
6 CHURCH PARK Terraced £315,909 £310,000 28 Apr 2023
ROSE COTTAGE, 5 CHURCH PARK Terraced £455,847 £335,000 21 Mar 2016
SWEET PEA COTTAGE, 3 CHURCH PARK Terraced £538,153 £315,000 15 Jun 2010