The average house price on SALEM TERRACE is £300,396
The most expensive house in the street is 10 SALEM TERRACE with an estimated value of £387,233
The cheapest house in the street is MAES YR HAF, 5 SALEM TERRACE with an estimated value of £200,931
The house which was most recently sold was 8 SALEM TERRACE, this sold on 17 Aug 2020 for £259,000
The postcode for SALEM TERRACE is LL52 0AD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 SALEM TERRACE Terraced £279,644 £66,000 27 Sep 1999
2 SALEM TERRACE Terraced £301,825 £60,000 19 Sep 1997
7 SALEM TERRACE Terraced , 94 m2 £319,891 £238,500 12 Aug 2016
8 SALEM TERRACE Terraced , 122 m2 £312,857 £259,000 17 Aug 2020
10 SALEM TERRACE Terraced , 190 m2 £387,233 £245,000 16 Aug 2007
MAES YR HAF, 5 SALEM TERRACE Terraced £200,931 £155,000 12 May 2017