The average house price on FOUR MILLS LANE is £366,464
The most expensive house in the street is SPINNAKERS FOUR MILLS LANE with an estimated value of £465,568
The cheapest house in the street is K J M SERVICES LTD FOUR MILLS LANE with an estimated value of £212,510
The house which was most recently sold was K J M SERVICES LTD FOUR MILLS LANE, this sold on 15 Nov 2019 for £172,000
The postcode for FOUR MILLS LANE is EX17 3BT
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 FOUR MILLS LANE Terraced £274,209 £85,000 23 Nov 2001
K J M SERVICES LTD FOUR MILLS LANE £212,510 £172,000 15 Nov 2019
MELFORD HOUSE FOUR MILLS LANE Detached £437,266 £249,950 16 Jun 2006
SPINNAKERS FOUR MILLS LANE Detached £465,568 £362,500 10 Jul 2017
THE LINHAY BARN FOUR MILLS LANE Detached £392,920 £300,000 24 Feb 2017
YEO VALE FOUR MILLS LANE Semi-Detached £416,311 £79,000 18 Apr 1997