The average house price on PINE CLOSE is £330,714
The most expensive house in the street is 5 PINE CLOSE with an estimated value of £350,821
The cheapest house in the street is 23 PINE CLOSE with an estimated value of £294,401
The house which was most recently sold was 6 PINE CLOSE, this sold on 30 Nov 2017 for £260,000
The postcode for PINE CLOSE is RH11 7NR
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 PINE CLOSE Terraced , 81 m2 £338,174 £262,000 9 Jun 2017
5 PINE CLOSE Terraced £350,821 £185,000 10 Nov 2004
6 PINE CLOSE Terraced , 81 m2 £330,200 £260,000 30 Nov 2017
8 PINE CLOSE Terraced £315,739 £166,500 10 Nov 2004
10 PINE CLOSE Terraced , 98 m2 £336,932 £160,000 18 Mar 2004
16 PINE CLOSE Terraced , 77 m2 £348,737 £229,995 17 Sep 2014
23 PINE CLOSE Terraced £294,401 £183,000 31 May 2007