The average house price on KITHURST CLOSE is £568,493
The most expensive house in the street is 4 KITHURST CLOSE with an estimated value of £693,620
The cheapest house in the street is 7 KITHURST CLOSE with an estimated value of £458,999
The house which was most recently sold was 10 KITHURST CLOSE, this sold on 25 Nov 2022 for £520,000
The postcode for KITHURST CLOSE is RH11 8TD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 KITHURST CLOSE Detached , 157 m2 £683,908 £475,000 11 Aug 2015
4 KITHURST CLOSE Semi-Detached , 134 m2 £693,620 £271,500 16 Dec 2002
5 KITHURST CLOSE Terraced £516,692 £92,000 15 Jul 1996
7A KITHURST CLOSE Detached , 150 m2 £548,509 £315,000 15 Aug 2011
7 KITHURST CLOSE Detached , 123 m2 £458,999 £250,000 13 Oct 2005
8 KITHURST CLOSE Detached , 114 m2 £560,146 £328,000 7 Jan 2013
10 KITHURST CLOSE Detached £517,580 £520,000 25 Nov 2022