The average house price on SELBY WALK is £135,064
The most expensive house in the street is 13 SELBY WALK with an estimated value of £171,670
The cheapest house in the street is 3 SELBY WALK with an estimated value of £107,516
The house which was most recently sold was 7 SELBY WALK, this sold on 15 Jul 2022 for £120,000
The postcode for SELBY WALK is NN18 0NP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 SELBY WALK Terraced £107,516 £30,500 16 Mar 2001
4 SELBY WALK Terraced £121,965 £56,500 30 Jan 2004
7 SELBY WALK Terraced £121,215 £120,000 15 Jul 2022
8 SELBY WALK Terraced , 72 m2 £129,840 £77,000 19 Mar 2013
9 SELBY WALK Terraced , 69 m2 £144,925 £95,000 15 Aug 2014
11 SELBY WALK Terraced , 68 m2 £138,150 £103,000 18 Aug 2016
12 SELBY WALK Terraced , 69 m2 £145,235 £117,500 6 Sep 2019
13 SELBY WALK Terraced , 78 m2 £171,670 £168,000 14 Jun 2022