The average house price on ASHURST CLOSE is £295,306
The most expensive house in the street is 1 ASHURST CLOSE with an estimated value of £385,271
The cheapest house in the street is 6 ASHURST CLOSE with an estimated value of £103,462
The house which was most recently sold was 16 ASHURST CLOSE, this sold on 20 Oct 2017 for £280,000
The postcode for ASHURST CLOSE is CO5 7HU
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 ASHURST CLOSE Detached £385,271 £68,500 6 Feb 1995
3 ASHURST CLOSE Detached £370,926 £84,950 6 Jul 1999
5 ASHURST CLOSE Semi-Detached £353,190 £275,000 14 Jul 2017
6 ASHURST CLOSE Flats/Maisonettes £103,462 £63,500 26 Mar 2007
7 ASHURST CLOSE Semi-Detached £283,941 £85,000 17 Aug 2001
8 ASHURST CLOSE Semi-Detached £232,504 £125,000 18 Feb 2009
15 ASHURST CLOSE Semi-Detached £277,931 £177,000 3 Jan 2008
16 ASHURST CLOSE Semi-Detached £355,976 £280,000 20 Oct 2017
18 ASHURST CLOSE Semi-Detached £326,305 £89,000 29 Nov 2000
20 ASHURST CLOSE Semi-Detached £263,554 £163,000 16 Dec 2013