The average house price on LONSDALE COURT is £587,372
The most expensive house in the street is 10 LONSDALE COURT with an estimated value of £782,689
The cheapest house in the street is 3 LONSDALE COURT with an estimated value of £389,432
The house which was most recently sold was 3 LONSDALE COURT, this sold on 14 Dec 2017 for £307,500
The postcode for LONSDALE COURT is CH4 7LZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 LONSDALE COURT Detached £684,799 £205,000 7 Aug 2001
2 LONSDALE COURT Detached £617,008 £152,000 9 Dec 1999
3 LONSDALE COURT Detached £389,432 £307,500 14 Dec 2017
4 LONSDALE COURT Detached £527,704 £130,000 17 Dec 1999
5 LONSDALE COURT Detached £547,980 £134,995 3 Dec 1999
6 LONSDALE COURT Detached £649,462 £159,995 22 Dec 1999
7 LONSDALE COURT Detached £631,831 £162,000 10 Mar 2000
8 LONSDALE COURT Detached £504,617 £365,000 6 Jan 2016
9 LONSDALE COURT Detached £538,207 £137,995 31 Mar 2000
10 LONSDALE COURT Detached £782,689 £210,000 31 Aug 2000