The average house price on TOWER CLOSE is £457,161
The most expensive house in the street is 1 TOWER CLOSE with an estimated value of £582,763
The cheapest house in the street is 4 TOWER CLOSE with an estimated value of £371,141
The house which was most recently sold was 5 TOWER CLOSE, this sold on 11 Jul 2022 for £475,000
The postcode for TOWER CLOSE is BS27 3XQ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 TOWER CLOSE Detached , 135 m2 £582,763 £338,000 5 Dec 2010
2 TOWER CLOSE Detached £420,622 £230,000 22 Dec 2008
3 TOWER CLOSE Detached £483,777 £280,000 22 Jan 2010
4 TOWER CLOSE Detached £371,141 £117,957 21 Jan 2002
5 TOWER CLOSE Detached , 130 m2 £479,808 £475,000 11 Jul 2022
6 TOWER CLOSE Detached £507,249 £163,508 28 Feb 2002
8 TOWER CLOSE Detached , 117 m2 £456,029 £340,000 25 Aug 2016
9 TOWER CLOSE Detached £393,947 £390,000 11 Jul 2022
10 TOWER CLOSE Detached , 104 m2 £419,115 £320,000 16 Feb 2017