The average house price on OAK CLOSE is £368,369
The most expensive house in the street is 4 OAK CLOSE with an estimated value of £389,611
The cheapest house in the street is 2 OAK CLOSE with an estimated value of £347,213
The house which was most recently sold was 2 OAK CLOSE, this sold on 28 May 2021 for £305,000
The postcode for OAK CLOSE is BS27 3AH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 OAK CLOSE Semi-Detached £375,167 £262,500 18 Sep 2015
1 OAK CLOSE Semi-Detached £375,167 £262,500 18 Sep 2015
2 OAK CLOSE Semi-Detached £347,213 £305,000 28 May 2021
3 OAK CLOSE Semi-Detached £354,688 £287,000 19 Dec 2019
4 OAK CLOSE Semi-Detached £389,611 £225,000 27 Jan 2012