The average house price on SPINNEY CLOSE is £268,263
The most expensive house in the street is 10 SPINNEY CLOSE with an estimated value of £344,262
The cheapest house in the street is 4 SPINNEY CLOSE with an estimated value of £214,960
The house which was most recently sold was 6 SPINNEY CLOSE, this sold on 4 Mar 2022 for £250,000
The postcode for SPINNEY CLOSE is WS11 9TS
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 SPINNEY CLOSE Semi-Detached £281,431 £59,000 20 Apr 1998
4 SPINNEY CLOSE Terraced £214,960 £174,000 18 Oct 2019
6 SPINNEY CLOSE Terraced £260,983 £250,000 4 Mar 2022
7 SPINNEY CLOSE Terraced £241,228 £127,950 18 Feb 2005
8 SPINNEY CLOSE Terraced £266,717 £168,750 10 Aug 2007
10 SPINNEY CLOSE Semi-Detached £344,262 £67,250 31 Jul 1997