The average house price on GREEN HILL MEWS is £192,075
The most expensive house in the street is 5 GREEN HILL MEWS with an estimated value of £245,972
The cheapest house in the street is 1 GREEN HILL MEWS with an estimated value of £140,486
The house which was most recently sold was 7 GREEN HILL MEWS, this sold on 8 Dec 2023 for £175,000
The postcode for GREEN HILL MEWS is CB21 4JN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 GREEN HILL MEWS Terraced £140,486 £89,000 8 Feb 2008
2 GREEN HILL MEWS Terraced £205,139 £125,000 16 Feb 2007
3 GREEN HILL MEWS Terraced £207,009 £190,000 12 Nov 2021
4 GREEN HILL MEWS Terraced £188,213 £102,500 9 Jul 2009
5 GREEN HILL MEWS Terraced £245,972 £147,500 4 Dec 2006
6 GREEN HILL MEWS Terraced £177,161 £103,500 25 Mar 2010
7 GREEN HILL MEWS Terraced £180,548 £175,000 8 Dec 2023