The average house price on SCHOOL CLOSE is £403,903
The most expensive house in the street is 1 SCHOOL CLOSE with an estimated value of £501,260
The cheapest house in the street is 8 SCHOOL CLOSE with an estimated value of £311,901
The house which was most recently sold was 1 SCHOOL CLOSE, this sold on 14 Jun 2018 for £400,000
The postcode for SCHOOL CLOSE is BS34 6DW
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 SCHOOL CLOSE Semi-Detached £501,260 £400,000 14 Jun 2018
2 SCHOOL CLOSE Semi-Detached £469,601 £136,000 1 May 2001
3 SCHOOL CLOSE Semi-Detached £389,154 £249,000 2 Nov 2007
4 SCHOOL CLOSE Semi-Detached £417,804 £332,500 25 May 2018
7 SCHOOL CLOSE Semi-Detached £333,703 £177,000 9 Feb 2005
8 SCHOOL CLOSE Semi-Detached £311,901 £182,000 8 Oct 2010