The average house price on INVINCIBLE CLOSE is £123,728
The most expensive house in the street is 10 INVINCIBLE CLOSE with an estimated value of £141,909
The cheapest house in the street is 14 INVINCIBLE CLOSE with an estimated value of £103,043
The house which was most recently sold was 4 INVINCIBLE CLOSE, this sold on 7 Aug 2020 for £94,500
The postcode for INVINCIBLE CLOSE is L30 9TD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 INVINCIBLE CLOSE Flats/Maisonettes , 56 m2 £139,822 £33,000 30 Sep 1999
2 INVINCIBLE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 43 m2 £129,049 £35,000 6 Oct 2000
4 INVINCIBLE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 52 m2 £114,151 £94,500 7 Aug 2020
5 INVINCIBLE CLOSE Terraced , 59 m2 £105,312 £80,000 27 Jan 2017
6 INVINCIBLE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 54 m2 £140,567 £84,000 8 Jul 2013
8 INVINCIBLE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 51 m2 £115,978 £85,000 22 Apr 2016
10 INVINCIBLE CLOSE Semi-Detached £141,909 £84,000 10 Nov 2006
14 INVINCIBLE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 53 m2 £103,043 £77,000 26 Sep 2016