The average house price on WELLINGTON MEWS is £378,731
The most expensive house in the street is 6 WELLINGTON MEWS with an estimated value of £523,971
The cheapest house in the street is 8 WELLINGTON MEWS with an estimated value of £298,869
The house which was most recently sold was 8 WELLINGTON MEWS, this sold on 23 May 2019 for £240,000
The postcode for WELLINGTON MEWS is BL7 0EP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 WELLINGTON MEWS Detached £438,852 £340,000 9 Jun 2017
2 WELLINGTON MEWS Semi-Detached £339,551 £272,500 15 Aug 2018
3 WELLINGTON MEWS Semi-Detached £333,081 £206,000 2 Dec 2013
4 WELLINGTON MEWS Semi-Detached £380,896 £135,000 19 Jul 2002
5 WELLINGTON MEWS Semi-Detached £340,346 £265,000 17 Jul 2017
6 WELLINGTON MEWS Detached £523,971 £269,950 12 Aug 2004
7 WELLINGTON MEWS Terraced £344,637 £204,000 17 Nov 2006
8 WELLINGTON MEWS Terraced £298,869 £240,000 23 May 2019
9 WELLINGTON MEWS Semi-Detached £408,380 £325,000 18 May 2018