The average house price on CORRIANDER DRIVE is £632,948
The most expensive house in the street is 5 CORRIANDER DRIVE with an estimated value of £894,715
The cheapest house in the street is 6 CORRIANDER DRIVE with an estimated value of £51,373
The house which was most recently sold was 6 CORRIANDER DRIVE, this sold on 21 Jul 2017 for £40,000
The postcode for CORRIANDER DRIVE is CM22 6DL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 CORRIANDER DRIVE Detached £743,244 £150,000 3 Nov 1997
2 CORRIANDER DRIVE Detached £691,426 £121,000 26 Jan 1996
3 CORRIANDER DRIVE Detached £705,063 £150,000 14 Aug 1998
4 CORRIANDER DRIVE Detached £711,868 £125,000 3 Jul 1995
5 CORRIANDER DRIVE Detached £894,715 £665,000 22 Jun 2016
6 CORRIANDER DRIVE £51,373 £40,000 21 Jul 2017