The average house price on ROLAND GROVE is £150,809
The most expensive house in the street is 13 ROLAND GROVE with an estimated value of £187,655
The cheapest house in the street is 12 ROLAND GROVE with an estimated value of £105,841
The house which was most recently sold was 9 ROLAND GROVE, this sold on 13 Sep 2022 for £175,000
The postcode for ROLAND GROVE is B19 1RU
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
9 ROLAND GROVE Terraced , 92 m2 £174,883 £175,000 13 Sep 2022
11 ROLAND GROVE Terraced , 77 m2 £140,744 £110,000 18 Aug 2017
12 ROLAND GROVE Terraced £105,841 £24,000 10 Jun 1999
13 ROLAND GROVE Terraced , 106 m2 £187,655 £177,000 12 Jan 2022
14 ROLAND GROVE Terraced £139,423 £70,000 18 Jun 2004
16 ROLAND GROVE Terraced £156,311 £77,000 13 May 2004