The average house price on DOLLIS GROVE is £165,126
The most expensive house in the street is 10 DOLLIS GROVE with an estimated value of £188,808
The cheapest house in the street is 5 DOLLIS GROVE with an estimated value of £143,488
The house which was most recently sold was 4 DOLLIS GROVE, this sold on 29 Oct 2020 for £138,000
The postcode for DOLLIS GROVE is B44 9LJ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
4 DOLLIS GROVE Terraced , 62 m2 £163,084 £138,000 29 Oct 2020
5 DOLLIS GROVE Terraced , 70 m2 £143,488 £109,000 31 Jan 2017
10 DOLLIS GROVE Terraced £188,808 £39,000 27 Feb 1998