The average house price on MIDDLE CLOISTER is £436,489
The most expensive house in the street is 6 MIDDLE CLOISTER with an estimated value of £476,605
The cheapest house in the street is 3 MIDDLE CLOISTER with an estimated value of £389,240
The house which was most recently sold was 9 MIDDLE CLOISTER, this sold on 29 Jul 2022 for £425,000
The postcode for MIDDLE CLOISTER is CM11 2AL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 MIDDLE CLOISTER Terraced , 89 m2 £472,873 £128,250 13 Oct 2000
3 MIDDLE CLOISTER Terraced , 92 m2 £389,240 £244,000 14 Feb 2014
4 MIDDLE CLOISTER Terraced , 82 m2 £454,277 £430,000 25 Feb 2022
5 MIDDLE CLOISTER Terraced , 105 m2 £432,334 £249,999 2 Aug 2006
6 MIDDLE CLOISTER Terraced , 100 m2 £476,605 £306,000 9 May 2014
7 MIDDLE CLOISTER Terraced , 86 m2 £412,516 £380,000 10 Sep 2021
8 MIDDLE CLOISTER Terraced £424,766 £135,000 17 Jan 2002
9 MIDDLE CLOISTER Terraced £429,302 £425,000 29 Jul 2022