The average house price on BUCKWYNS CHASE is £862,634
The most expensive house in the street is PILTON BUCKWYNS CHASE with an estimated value of £1,159,431
The cheapest house in the street is SYRINGA BUCKWYNS CHASE with an estimated value of £248,836
The house which was most recently sold was PILTON BUCKWYNS CHASE, this sold on 16 Nov 2023 for £1,130,000
The postcodes for BUCKWYNS CHASE are CM12 0TL, CM12 0TN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
HILLCREST BUCKWYNS CHASE Detached , 157 m2 £1,016,745 £850,000 25 Sep 2020
PILTON BUCKWYNS CHASE Detached £1,159,431 £1,130,000 16 Nov 2023
SYRINGA BUCKWYNS CHASE Detached £248,836 £250,000 24 Nov 2022
THE ANCHORAGE BUCKWYNS CHASE Detached , 158 m2 £948,687 £200,000 20 May 1998
THE GLEN BUCKWYNS CHASE Detached £939,472 £320,000 2 May 2002