The average house price on SHIPTON CRESCENT is £149,939
The most expensive house in the street is 3 SHIPTON CRESCENT with an estimated value of £182,879
The cheapest house in the street is 11 SHIPTON CRESCENT with an estimated value of £102,755
The house which was most recently sold was 5 SHIPTON CRESCENT, this sold on 12 Jul 2017 for £97,000
The postcode for SHIPTON CRESCENT is HU17 7LH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 SHIPTON CRESCENT Semi-Detached £182,879 £100,000 22 Dec 2008
1 SHIPTON CRESCENT Semi-Detached £133,055 £28,500 13 Nov 1998
5 SHIPTON CRESCENT Terraced £124,580 £97,000 12 Jul 2017
7 SHIPTON CRESCENT Semi-Detached £172,777 £120,000 21 Aug 2015
9 SHIPTON CRESCENT Terraced £156,762 £33,600 2 Oct 1998
11 SHIPTON CRESCENT Terraced £102,755 £35,000 17 May 2002
13 SHIPTON CRESCENT Terraced £176,767 £106,000 1 Dec 2006